Saturday, May 6, 2017

My Siargao Love Story

If you've come this far, congratulations! You have entered one of the secret lairs to my past - my blog. Hahaha this site has been dormant for years and I hope with this post, I can turn things around 😏

This was designed by a good friend (Jong Banaag) about 5 years ago; I was unable to sustain it because the sloth in me always prevails! 😂

Anyway, to hype things back up,I am sharing some highlights during our #KVENTURESSIARGAO Trip; because 1) it feels good to be back in writing/blogging, 2) This is a perfect digital archive that Vir and I could look back at years from now and 3) I clearly just can't get over it hahahaha


First and like what I always say, Siargao is EXCEPTIONALLY, INSANELY, BREATHAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL. I have searched for the best adjectives and adverbs; but no amount of words, not even my photos, can justify the beauty of this place. I knew in my heart I had to write about it, so here it is.

Below is our actual itinerary, a little bit different from what we originally planned but then again, plans flexibility is key! Remember, you can always tweak things; just have fun with it! 😉

Note: This doesn't include complete costs for food and fare but I hope you' still find this useful:

Here are some highlights of our trip:

 SUGBA LAGOON in Del Pilar, Siargao tops my list. I fell in love with the place; I think I left pieces of my heart there ❤️

The Magpupungko Rock Pool Formation in Pilar is one of the famous tourist spots in the island. It's so beautiful I could stay there forever!

(Sohoton, Bucas Grande Islands)
The majestic Sohoton Cove boasts beautiful landscapes, calm blue waters and is home to thousands of the friendliest jellyfishes in the world!

Bring out the surfer (or non-surfer in you)! Remember, they don't call Siargao as the "Surfing Capital" for nothing!

Naked Island
You don't have to go too far to experience Siargao's fine beaches; they're literally scattered everywhere and swear, they're worth the sunburns and unwanted tanlines.

So there you have it! I hope you had fun reading as much as I had fun sharing and reliving the memories. Oh and don't forget to pack a lot of sunblock and patience with you!

Until then, Siargao! 💓


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